This extension make your store SEO friendly by making meta tags (title, meta description, meta keyword) multilingual.
NEW! Possibility to add additional text to meta title for non home pages. For example site name. Search engines then will display user friendly titles.
It works with all themes, as no template files are changed.
It is very easy to install, without modifying any page, but instead uses ocmod technology.
After installation you can find in admin panel, store settings, in general tab, place to enter meta tags in all installed languages.
Multilingual SEO meta tags in homepage
- Last Update OC3
- Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
- Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Sass, PHP, SQL
- Software Framework opencart
- النوع :OpenCart 4.x,3.x
- حالة التوفر :نعم
- حالة التوفر :Free Installation and Lifetime Updates
الكلمات الدليليلة : Multilingual SEO meta tags in homepage