A website can have multiple customer groups i.e. Wholesale Customer groups, Retail Customer group, frequent buyers and more. This extension helps admin to give new products different-different prices for all different-different customer groups to make more sell and increase the profit percentage. this module makes a new section on the product edit page where website defence prices for customer groups.
These ways product prices will be different for the given customer group.
✔ Customer Group Settings.
✔ Manage customer group product price on the product edit page.
✔ Let you add different-different prices for customers group to all products.
✔ Add price to product base price.
✔ Give a discount to specific customer groups.
✔ Import and export file.
✔ Global enable and disable all the customer group prices from setting.
✔ Product price changes according to the customer group automatically.
It has the option to set a global price for all products for the different-different customer group. Admin can also set individual prices for products as well. This is a unique feature makes the price editing very easy. Only Product price will show when the Customer group price is set on a product page. Product prices will override the global price. Admin has multiple options to set all product prices at once from the setting. The extension has four options Example: Base price of the product is $30 and from setting wholesale customer group price set by (+)20 then Wholesale customer will see a new price for the product is $60.
Subtracting (-) from a base price
Selecting % percentage will add to the base price
The same will go with other options.